Monday, March 19, 2012

Bishkek Journal-Cal Preece Weekending 15 March 2012

Friday, 9 March 2012-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Slept really late this morning, past 10 am here. The weather outside is beautiful and giving us intimations of Spring. But the forecasters have snow in the picture for tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that. I took advantage of the nice weather today to take a long walk. West on Bokonbaeva to Erkindik Park where I sat for awjlie watching the pigeons, the ravens, and people walking to and fro. Then after a short time moved on down the street to Logvineko to my favorite Turkish restaurant, Yusa. I had a nice lamb sish-kebab and some baklava for dessert.
Then I walked up to Lev Tolstoy and went to the Frunze Supermarket. It was the first time for me to visit the market. I found a number of things I had been looking for including Axa Muesili. I don't eat cereal very often, but I do like to have it available. Then it was back to the apartment by taxi because I had four heavy bags of groceries.

Saturday, 10 March 2012-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan The sunrise was beautiful this morning. Temperatures are above freezing and I went for another walk. Had mid-morning coffee at a coffee spot about four blocks away. Then stopped by the bakery store to replenish my coffee supply and cookie selections. Today's new cookie treat was a mixture of cookies with fillings in them including thin layers of marshmallow. How could I resist? They will not last long.

Sunday, 11 March 2012-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan It was freezing again outside this morning, the skies were gray and it felt really damp. No doubt that some snow will fall in the next two days. I slept past 9:30 am and was moving very slowly. Needed more coffee just to feel human. Managed to get out to the butcher shop to get some ground beef.

Monday, 12 March 2012-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Snowfall most of the day today. I soaked some dried red and pinto beans, then cooked yesterdays ground beef purchase to create a chili to fight off the cold.

Really appreciating the chili powders I brought back with me. My friend Nita Lindley shared some red and green Hatch chili powder with me from New Mexico, and I picked up a good Mexican chili powder from the Fiesta store. They have made cooking much more interesting.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bright sunlight streaming through the windows in the living area woke me at 8:00 am. As I looked out the kitchen window while waiting for the coffee to brew, I spotted the long-eared squirrel jumping from tree to tree.

I don't see him often, so it is always a special treat. I think the presence of a significant population of stray dogs and cats in the area may impact the squirrel population. I have tried to take a photo myself, but have been unsuccessful. So I have borrowed one from a blog by a family who was here a few years ago and posted this image on their blog at The Kulas

I think they are really amazing with those long feathered ears.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan The sun was shining brightly this morning, and we enjoyed another above freezing high today. The snow from two days ago has melted away for the most part.

I was able once more to take a walk in the park after 12 noon and enjoy a lunch cooked by another's hand. Lagman noodles at a small ashkana type restaurant near the park.

Thursday, 15 March 2012-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan A day of reading. I am trying to finish a spy novel and a couple of other books. But lately I find my average number of pages per day is dropping off some. I think I need to concentrate more.

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